Research Focus
Thin-film solar cells, study of light-matter interactions in artificially structured metal/dielectric structures (metamaterials, plasmonic nanostructures), transformation optics for display/camouflage, printed optics/opto-electronics components, strong coupling between photonic and plasmonic resonances, biological/chemical sensors.

Research in the lab focuses on confining coherent/partially-coherent or incoherent light at nanoscale to enhance light-matter interactions for novel device applications as well as energy harvesting purposes. The emphasis is on design and development of high throughput, large scale and low cost fabrication of optical nanostructures for enhanced light-matter interactions in artificially structured metal/dielectric structures (metamaterials, plasmonic nanostructures), transformation optics for display/camouflage, strong coupling between photonic and plasmonic resonances and trapping light in thin film solar cells.