Nano-Optics Group
3D Large Area Laser Lithography System (Nanoscribe GmbH)

LIVE Demo: 3D Laser Lithography (Click here to see the live 3D writing)
Microscope-Coupled FTIR UV-VIS-NIR-MIR (Hyperion-Vertex, Bruker Inc.) attached with IR Integrating Sphere and Stage Heater

UHV E-Beam Evaporation and Magnetron Sputtering Systems (AJA International Inc.)

Atomic Layer Deposition System (Oxford)

neaSpec unified Scattering Nearfield Optical Microscope (SNOM), nano-FTIR, nano-Imaging and Ultrafast Pump-Probe system

Goniometer – Contact Angle Measurement Setup (Kruss Scientific)

Infrared Ellipsometer (J.A. Woollam )

Bench-Top Equipments
- Cryogenic Setup
- Quantum Cascade Lasers (3-5 and 8-12 micron)
- Probe Station
- Isotemp Digital Hotplate
- Spincoat G3P-8 Programmable Digital Spin Coater
- UV Lamp
- Baking Ovens
- Sonicator
- Lock-In Amplifier and Chopper
- High Power AC/DC Amplifier
- Cavity Blackbody Source
- Signal Generators
- Oscilloscope