MISA Symposium 2023
November 30, 2023
Thursday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
MISA Symposium 2023 Full Program
Dear Friends,
The UCF Materials Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture (MISA) Center is organizing the Eighth Annual MISA Symposium on November 30, 2023 (Thursday, 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM). It is our great pleasure to invite you and your team members to attend the symposium.
This year the MISA symposium will be held in-person. There is no registration fee to attend the symposium. However, to secure your spot, please register online by clicking the registration weblink below.
Additional symposium information will be available on the symposium website.
Every year, MISA brings together multidisciplinary stakeholders including scientists, industry folks, regulatory agencies, and growers. This provides a unique opportunity for our students, postdocs/research scientists and faculty members to learn about emerging agricultural issues and understand the importance of addressing these issues. This meeting has been instrumental for many young scientists to explore creative research ideas, and develop out-of-the-box innovative materials and novel tools to support agricultural sustainability with special emphasis on crop protection.
We look forward to meeting with you soon.
The MISA 2023 Organizing Committee
Keynote Speaker 2023
Mr. Rick Dantzler
Chief Operating Officer
Citrus Research and Development Foundation, USA
Keynote address: “CRDF Huanglongbing Research Priorities“