Nano Lithography System:
Zeiss NVision 40 Gemini Column SEM coupled with a nano pattern generation system for the purposes of nanodevice fabrication and nanoscale imaging.
Horiba LABRAM integrated Raman and TERS system:
- Includes 5 excitation lasers: 473 nm, 532 nm, 633 nm, 785 nm, and 1085 nm
- SmartSPM 1000 for Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS), Tip-Enhanced Photoluminescence, kelvin probe force microscopy, conductive and photo-conductive atomic force microscopy, electrostatic force microscopy, and magnetic force microscopy.
Probe station 1
Probe station 2
1.5 K cryostat with 6 Tesla magnet
He3 system with 9 Tesla magnet
Wire bonder
Closed cycle cryostat
Glove box
Tube Furnace
AFM Veeco Manifold ‘Multimode V’ & ‘Dimension 3100’ Combination SPM
Thermal evaporator ( Integrated with glove box). Shared with Prof Gesquierre