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Group News & Announcements

By year: 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016


March: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes new students – Joseph Potter, B.S. student in Materials Science and Engineering and John Zuluaga, B.S. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Welcome Joseph and John!

February: Dr. Rajaraman gave an invited talk on Microelectrodes at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA. For more information on the seminar, please visit –

January: A poster from the group was presented by Diana V. Rodriguez De Francisco at IEEE MEMS 2025 in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. For more info please visit –

January: Happy New Year! The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomed two visitors from Canyon High School in Anaheim, CA – Ms. Anika Vaidun and Ms. Anya Vaidun!


December: The NBSS group was well represented at the annual MIST Meeting in Gainesville, FL. Faisal, Surbhi, Monisha, and Omar all attended along with Prof. Rajaraman. NBSS alumni, Cacie was at the meeting too. For more info please visit –

November: Randall graduated with his M.S. in Biotechnology, successfully defending his M.S. Thesis on November 6, 2024. Congrats Randy!

November: Prof. Rajaraman gave a seminar about NBSS research activities at the CNRS, France. For more information on the seminar, please visit –

October: Prof. Rajaraman gave a seminar about NBSS research activities at the Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering of ETH Zurich in Basel, Switzerland. For more information on the seminar, please visit –

October: Prof. Rajaraman gave a seminar about NBSS research activities at the Body on a Chip, Center of Excellence at Tampere University in Finland. For more information on the seminar, please visit –

October: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – James Gutirrez-Pinho, B.S. student in Electrical Engineering. Welcome James!

September: Prof. Rajaraman gave a seminar about NBSS research activities at the Microfluidics Cluster at the University of Basque Country in Spain. For more information on the seminar, please visit –

August: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Faisal Bin Kashem, Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering. Welcome Faisal!

August – December: Prof. Rajaraman is on sabbatical during Fall semester 2024.

July: Omar graduated with his M.S. in Nanotechnology, successfully defending his M.S. Thesis on July 2, 2024. Congrats Omar!

June: Ji graduated with his M.S. in Nanotechnology, successfully defending his M.S. Thesis on June 26, 2024. Congrats Ji!

June: The Rajaraman group had a very successful Hilton Head MEMS Workshop 2024 earlier this month. We presented 6 posters and one talk. Congrats to all the students and researchers from the group with featured papers (all first authors): Jorge Manrique Castro, Omar S. Cepeda Torres, Andre Childs, Diana Rodriguez De Francisco, Surbhi Tidke, Ji Chang, and Randall James.

May: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a visiting student for summer 2022 – Sonali Mittal, NSF REU student from University of Texas Arlington. Welcome Sonali!

May: The NBSS group was well represented at the Spring MIST 2024 Meeting in Orlando, FL. Jorge, Diana, Monisha, and Surbhi all attended along with Prof. Rajaraman. NBSS alumni, Chuck was at the meeting too. For more info please visit –

April: Andre graduated with his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, successfully defending his Ph.D. on April 2, 2024. Congrats Dr. Childs!

April: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Blake Walker, B.S. student in Electrical Engineering. Welcome Blake!

March: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Tatiana Hostios, B.S. student in Biomedical Sciences. Welcome Tatiana!

March: Pablo graduated with his M.S. in Nanotechnology, successfully defending his M.S. Thesis on March 28, 2024. Congrats Pablo!

February: Five of the seven papers submitted from the group to the prestigious Hilton Head MEMS meeting were accepted for publication. Congrats to all the students and staff that worked hard to get these papers accepted. For more info, please visit:

January: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group was represented by Pablo and Dr. Rajaraman at the prestigious, international IEEE MEMS 2024 Conference in Austin, Texas. For more info, please visit:

January: Happy New Year! The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new post doctoral scholar – Dr. Monisha Elumalai. Welcome Monisha!


December: The NBSS group was well represented at the annual MIST Meeting in Gainesville, FL. Jorge, Pablo, Michael and Isaac all attended along with Prof. Rajaraman. NBSS alumni, Cacie and Chuck were at the meeting too. The poster headed by Michael shared the best poster award. Congrats Michael, Pablo, Maria and Jorge!! For more info please visit –

November: Jorge graduated with his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, successfully defending his Ph.D. on November 7, 2023. Congrats Dr. Manrique Castro!

November: Prof. Rajaraman represented the NanoBioSensors and Systems group at IEEE Sensors 2023 in Vienna, Austria. For more information on the meeting, please visit –

October: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Nadav Shaun, B.S. student in Electrical Engineering. Welcome Nadav!

September: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Diana Rodriguez de Francisco, M.S. student in Biomedical Engineering. Welcome Diana!

August: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Surbhi Tidke, Ph.D. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Welcome Surbhi!

June: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group was well represented with three talks and one poster at the prestigious, international Transducers 2023 Conference. Chuck, Andre and Dr. Rajaraman attended the meeting in beautiful Kyoto, Japan. For more info, please visit:

June: The NanoBioSensors and Systems group welcomes a new student – Maria Tregansin, undergraduate student from the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Welcome Maria!

May: Students from the NanoBioSensors and Systems group have been very successful in getting internships over the summer. The list of companies where they are interning includes Micron Technology, Northrop Grumman, Tevo Pharmaceutical and OUC. Nice job Jorge, Michael, Connor, Paige and Rhondra on these internships!

April: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes one new student – Randall James, M.S. thesis student in Biotechnology. Welcome Randall!

March: Andre, Chuck, Jorge, Omar, Pablo, and Dr. Rajaraman attended NanoFlorida 2023: The group presented three oral and two posters with Omar winning the 3rd place in the best poster competition.

February: Jorge attended a UCF Global Leadership camp: He was among the 10 UCF students selected to attend this annual camp.

February: Prof. Rajaraman was elected to be on the Editorial Board of the leading MEMS community journal, IEEE JMEMS:

January: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes 3 new undergraduate students – David Chand, Barrett Bascue and Paige Kalish, all B.S. students in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Welcome!

January: Happy New Year 2023!


December: Andre, Chuck, and Dr. Rajaraman, along with former group members, Dr. Cacie McDorman (formerly Hart), and Ms. Julia Orrico attended the annual MIST Meeting in Gainesville, FL. For more information, please visit:

November: Chuck graduated with his Ph.D. in Biomedical Sciences, successfully defending his Ph.D. on November 18, 2022. Congrats Dr. Didier!

November: For the third straight year the NBSS group will be at IEEE MEMS Conference. Congrats Jorge for your paper acceptance at this prestigious meeting. For more info, please visit:

October: Prof. Rajaraman and former group member, David DeRoo attended Synapse Orlando. For more information, please visit –

September: Prof. Rajaraman gave the inaugural Biomedical Engineering seminar at Tulane University, New Orleans, LA. For more information, please visit –

August: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes three new students – Omar Cepeda, M.S. thesis student in Nanotechnology, Pablo Morales-Cruz, M.S. thesis student in Nanotechnology and Queenly Xie, B.S. Student in Computer Science. Welcome Omar, Pablo and Queenly!

July: The Rajaraman group had a very successful Hilton Head MEMS Workshop 2022 earlier this month. We presented 6 posters and one talk along with an open poster featuring Primordia Biosystems Inc. Congrats to all the students and researchers from the group with featured papers: Chuck Didier, M.Sc., Jorge Manrique Castro, Omar S. Cepeda Torres, Andre Childs, Cacie McDorman, Ph.D., Julia Freitas Orrico, Aliyah Baksh, Avra Kundu, Frank Sommerhage, PhD, David DeRoo

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the organizing committee for HH 22 and working with the leadership team of Reza Ghodssi and Jenna Chan, and PMMI, TRANSDUCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION INC (TRF), the Commercial Development Committee, Technical Program Committee etc. Lastly, I’m honored and truly humbled to join the leadership team of the Hilton Head MEMS Workshop 2024 as Technical Chair and serve the community alongside the General Chair for the meeting Jenna Chan

June: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes two visiting students for summer 2022 – Maria Corina Garcia, NSF REU student from Puerto Rico and Rishika Khanna, undergraduate student from Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India. Welcome Corina and Rishika!

May: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new undergraduate student – Michael Meyers, B.S. student in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Welcome Michael!

April: Prof. Rajaraman is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.

April: Andre attended NanoFlorida to present his exciting stencil mask and rapid bacterial testing work. For more info:
This work is also accepted into the Hilton Head MEMS Meeting 2022 as a Late News poster.

March: Twenty-six students — ranging in disciplines from engineering to biology to education and others across the institution — have been named as 2021-22 recipients of the Order of Pegasus, UCF’s most prestigious student award for those who display incredible academic achievement, university involvement, leadership and community service.​

It includes Charles (Chuck) Didier, a Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. student working in the group of MSE and NSTC Professor, Dr. Swaminathan Rajaraman. Congrats Chuck!!​

He graduated from the University of Central Florida in 2015 with a dual major B.S. in Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnology, and again in 2019 with his M.Sc. in Nanotechnology. Currently he is a Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. candidate, researching how nanoscience-enabled microelectrode arrays can improve biomedicine. Specifically, through a nation-wide effort to help end the Opioid Crisis, he is developing biosensors, for safer neural analgesic screening.​

More info can be found at –

March: Six of the seven papers submitted from the group to the prestigious Hilton Head MEMS meeting were accepted for publication. Congrats to all the students and staff that worked hard to get these papers accepted. For more info, please visit:

February: Prof. Rajaraman has been invited to join the leadership team of the NSF I/UCRC, MIST Center:

January: For a second straight MEMS conference, our work on “Compact 3D printed 3D MEAs” won the Best Poster Award at the recently concluded hybrid meeting, IEEE MEMS 2022. For more info please visit:

January: Happy New Year! To begin the year, Chuck and Dr. Rajaraman will attend IEEE MEMS 2022 virtually. Chuck will present a poster at the meeting. For more information, please visit –


December: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new undergraduate student – Isaac Johnson, B.S. student in Mechanical Engineering. Welcome Isaac!

November: Chuck won 2nd place in the university-wide 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) Competition. Congrats Chuck! For more info visit –

November: Julia graduated with her M.S. in Nanotechnology, successfully defending her M.S. Thesis on Nov. 10, 2021. Congrats Julia!

October: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new undergraduate student – Connor Edmonds, B.S. student in Mechanical Engineering. Welcome Connor!

October: New papers from the group will be presented by Jorge Manrique Castro at IEEE Sensors 2021 in October-November 2021. For more info please visit – and by Charles Didier at IEEE MEMS 2022 in January 2022. For more information please visit –

September: Prof. Rajaraman was recently elected to a leadership position in the MEMS/Sensors/Transducers Community as a Member of the Board of Directors of Transducers Research Foundation charged with the mission to stimulate research in science and engineering, with emphasis on technologies related to transducers, microsystems, and nanosystems, and to foster the exchange of ideas and information between academic, industrial, and government researchers. For more info, please visit:

August: Prof. Rajaraman is co-organizing and co-hosting an online mini-symposium on bioelectronics for pain and addiction. For more information and registering to attend the symposium for free, please visit:

July: Nilab graduated with her Ph.D. in Chemistry, successfully defending her Ph.D. on July 1, 2021. Congrats Dr. Azim!

June: Our work on “Tri-Modal 3D MEAs” won the Best Poster Award at the recently concluded virtual meeting, IEEE Transducers 2021. For more info please visit:

June: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new undergraduate students – Jennifer Nguyen, B.S. student in Mechanical Engineering and Rhondra Giscombe, B.S. student in Materials Science & Engineering. Welcome Jennifer and Rhondra!

May: The Rajaraman Group welcomes a new student to the group: Omar Cepeda Torres, NSF REU student joins us for summer 2021 from Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. Welcome Omar!

April: The group’s first journal paper with a high school student as the first author will be published in the Journal of Young Investigators. Here’s an early press release about it:

March: Our review paper on 2D and 3D MEAs was chosen among a select few articles in IoP JMM as “Highlights of 2020”:

February: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new undergraduate student – Aliyah Baksh a B.S. student in Biology. Welcome Aliyah!

January: We start the Spring 2021 semester still under COVID restrictions. The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new graduate student – Andre Childs, a Ph.D. student in Materials Science and Engineering. Welcome Andre!


December: Two of the three submitted papers from the group got accepted to MEMS 2021 including a paper for Oral Presentation. For more information on the program, please visit:

November: Cacie graduated with her Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, successfully defending her Ph.D. on Nov. 20, 2020. Congrats Dr. Hart!

October: Prof. Rajaraman will attend BioFlorida 2020 held virtually. For more information, please visit:

September: Prof. Rajaraman is part of the organizing committee for the North American Materials Colloquium Series (NAMCS) promoting top Materials researchers across North America. For more details please visit:

September: Prof. Rajaraman is giving an invited talk at the annual IEEE NEMS Meeting on Impedance-based Biosensors. For more details please visit:

August: We start a Fall semester unlike any other. The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new graduate student – Jorge Manrique Castro, a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering. Welcome Jorge!

July: Five of the Seven (5/7) papers the NanoBioSensors & Systems Group submitted to the special issue of IEEE JMEMS for Hilton Head 2020 were accepted and are available online:

June: Research Labs around UCF are beginning to slowly open following university guidelines: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Lab is open currently.

May : Dr. Rajaraman presented at the inaugural UCF CECS Virtual Faculty Seminar Series. The title of his talk was “Makerspace Micro/Nanofabrication of Biomedical and Agricultural MicroSystems”.

March – May : The NanoBioSensors and Systems Lab was closed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

February : Both of our submitted abstracts were accepted (57% acceptance rate) for poster presentation at the Hilton Head MEMS Meeting 2020. For more details on the terrific program, please visit:

February : For the third year in a row, Laboni Santra a 11th grade student from Oviedo High School and a volunteer in the lab won multiple awards at the Seminole County Science, Math and Engineering Fair held on February 6, 2020. Laboni won
– 1st place in Plant Sciences category
– Special awards from the U.S. Metric Association and the Yale Science and Engineering Association:
– Nomination to Florida State Science and Engineering Fair
– Nomination to Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair in Anaheim, California
Incredible accomplishment for three years straight! Carry on this tremendous success Laboni! Congratulations!

January : Dr. Rajaraman will attend the IEEE MEMS 2020 ( and present one poster on DLP 3D Printing of High Aspect Ratio structures from the group.

January : Happy New Year! The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new graduate student – Julia Freitas Orrico, a masters student in Nanotechnology. Welcome Julia!


November 2019 Dr. Rajaraman, Avra, Khalid, Chuck, Paola and Laboni will attend NanoFlorida 2019 to present 2 talks and one poster. For more details, please visit:

October 2019 Dr. Rajaraman attended the 15th Tissue Chips Consortium Meeting in Washington, DC. For more information on the meeting, please visit:

September 2019 Dr. Syed Khalid Pasha joined the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome Khalid!

August 2019 Dr. Rajaraman attended the Nordic Organ on a Chip Meeting in Tampere, Finland and gave an invited talk at the meeting on the development of 2D and 3D Microelectrode Arrays. For more information on the meeting, please visit:

August 2019 The Rajaraman Group welcomes a new volunteer, Nicholas Alban a sophomore in ECE. Welcome Nick!

Congrats Chuck! He starts his Ph.D. at UCF in Fall 2019.

June 2019 Chuck and Dr. Rajaraman attend the Transducers-Eurosensors 2019 Meeting ( and present 2 posters from the group.

June 2019 The Rajaraman Group welcomes new students to the group: Paola Morales Carvajal, NSF REU student joins us for summer 2019 from Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico and Parker Arnett, junior in Mechanical Engineering joins the group as a volunteer. Welcome Paola and Parker!

May 2019 New paper from the group is published in IEEE JMEMS. Please see the link for details and downloading options:

May 2019 Rajaraman Group students have won several awards and fellowships:

  • Charles Didier was awarded the ORCGS Doctoral Fellowship for Ph.D. studies starting Fall 2019. This university fellowship was created by the Office of Research and College of Graduate Studies to be awarded to outstanding incoming doctoral students who have demonstrated excellent academic achievement, preparation, and potential for successful graduate study at UCF. Congrats Chuck!
  • Cacie Hart won a Doctoral Research Support Award from the College of Graduate Studies. Congrats Cacie!
  • Julia Orrico won a Office of Undergraduate Research Student Research Grant. Congrats Julia!

April 2019 Laboni’s project entitled “A Minimally-Invasive 3D-Printed Microneedle Array Applicator System (µNAAS) for Delivery of Therapeutics to Citrus Leaf Tissue” won First Place in the 64th State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida in the area of Plant Sciences. Laboni’s project was also selected as a Finalist (top 5 in all of Central Florida) for the Dr. Nelson Ying Award. Laboni will present for this award a compete for the top prize at the end of April 2019. Congratulations Laboni on such amazing accomplishments.

March 2019 New paper from the group is published in RSC Advances. Please see the link for details and downloading options:!divAbstract

March 2019: Both of our submitted abstracts were accepted (44% acceptance rate) for poster presentation at the IEEE Transducers-Eurosensors 2019. For more details, please visit:

February 2019: Laboni Santra, a 10th grade student from Oviedo High School and a volunteer in the lab won multiple awards for the second year running at the Seminole County Science, Math and Engineering Fair held on February 2, 2019. Laboni won –

  • 1st place Plant Sciences Category
  • Nominee for State Science and Engineering Fair of Florida
  • Best of Show
  • 1st Alternate for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair

An amazing accomplishment for two straight years. Congratulations Laboni!

February 2019: Adam Rozman, a freshman in Mechanical Engineering joined the lab as a volunteer. Welcome Adam!

January 2019: Happy New Year! The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new graduate student (co-advised with Prof. Tetard, NSTC and Department of Physics) – Miguel Tirado, a masters student in Nanotechnology. Welcome Miguel!

January 2019: New papers from the group are published in Biosensors and IEEE JMEMS.

Biosensors paper link:
IEEE JMEMS paper link:


November 2018: Cacie, Chuck and Dr. Rajaraman attend the MicroTAS 2018 Meeting and present 2 posters from the group. Both Cacie and Chuck won travel awards to attend the meeting, from NSTC (UCF), Student Government Association (UCF), College of Graduate Studies (UCF) and from the organizing committee of MicroTAS, the Chemical & Biological Microsystems Society (CBMS). Congrats Cacie and Chuck!

November 2018: Dr. Rajaraman was invited to give a talk at the Third Annual Materials Innovation in Sustainable Agriculture (MISA) Symposium. For more details, please visit

October 2018: Dr. Rajaraman, Avra, Crystal and Laboni will attend NanoFlorida 2018 to present 3 posters and one invited talk. For more details, please visit:

October 2018: Dr. Rajaraman gave the ECE Seminar at Georgia Tech on Oct 3, 2018.

September 2018: Darina Khater joins the group as an undergraduate volunteer. Welcome Darina!

August 2018: Dr. Rajaraman was featured and interviewed on the Nanovation Podcast. For more details and to listen to the Podcast, please visit:

July 2018: Two of our abstracts were accepted for poster presentation at the MicroTAS 2018 Meeting. For more details, please visit:

July 2018: Two of our abstracts to the MEA 2018 Meeting were accepted and Sarah & Sandra attend the meeting to present the work. For more details, please visit:

June 2018: Nilab, Avra and Dr. Rajaraman attend the Hilton Head MEMS 2018 Meeting and present 2 posters from the group. Nilab won two travel awards to attend the meeting, one from NSTC (UCF) and another from the Transducers Research Foundation. Congrats Nilab!

May 2018: Ms. Crystal Nattoo from the University of Miami joins the group as a NSF Research Experience Undergraduate (REU) scholar. Welcome Crystal!

May 2018: Dr. Rajaraman was invited to present both at the Florida American Vacuum Society Meeting and at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Labs.

April 2018: Two of our abstracts were accepted for poster presentation at the Hilton Head MEMS Meeting 2018. For more details, please visit:

March 2018: Sandra and Sarah successfully defended their Bachelor’s thesis and got the highest grade for their work and defense presentations. Congrats Sarah and Sandra!

February 2018: Laboni Santra, a 9th grade student from Oviedo High School and a volunteer in the lab won multiple awards at the Seminole County Science, Math and Engineering Fair held on February 3, 2018. Congratulations Laboni!

February 2018: The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new volunteer – Valentina Parra Alvarez, an undergraduate student in Industrial Engineering. Welcome Valentina!

January 2018: The lab moves to the brand new Research I building on campus. We are very excited with the move!

January 2018: Happy New Year! The NanoBioSensors and Systems Group welcomes a new graduate student – Charles “Chuck” Didier, a masters student in Nanotechnology. Welcome Chuck!


November 2017: Dr. Rajaraman is a featured speaker at the MEMS Journal Medical MEMS 2017 Conference in Santa Clara, CA. For more details, please visit:

October 2017: Tariq, Avra and Dr. Rajaraman attend MicroTAS 2017 to present 2 posters from the group. They are featured in the Lab on a Chip blog for selected posters from MicroTAS – doing_wp_cron=1513366645.9609229564666748046875

September 2017: Dr. Rajaraman is interviewed and quoted for a feature in Orlando Sentinel on the growth of Smart Sensors in the Central Florida area –

August 2017: Two of our abstracts were accepted for poster presentation at the MicroTAS 2017 Meeting. For more details, please visit:

August 2017: Sandra Springer and Sarah Fremgen joined the group from Germany as exchange students pursuing their undergraduate thesis. Welcome Sandra & Sarah!

June 2017: A multi-modal laser micromachining tool with operational capability in Green, UV and IR modes is fully operational in the lab.

May 2017: Dr. Rajaraman is featured on the Commercial Micromachining Magazine article by eminent MEMS professional, Roger Grace. The article is entitled, “MEMS and Sensors Marketing: Oxymoron or Opportunity”.

April 2017: Nilab Azim, a Ph.D. Student in the Rajaraman and Zhai groups won a travel award for the Electrochemical Society Meeting to be held in New Orleans on May 28 to June 1, 2017. Nilab will be presenting a poster on “Precision Plating of Cells on Microelectrodes enhanced with Nano-Porous Platinum” at this meeting.

April 2017: Tariq Ausaf, a sophomore in Electrical and Computer Engineering volunteering in Dr. Rajaraman’s group won two scholarships offered in a competitive setting to students in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the AT&T Endowed Scholarship and the Boeing Scholarship.

April 2017: Dr. Avra Kundu joined the group as a post-doctoral fellow. Welcome Avra!

April 2017: Cacie Hart joined the group as a Ph.D. student. Welcome Cacie!

March 2017: Dr. Rajaraman will give the ECE Seminar at the University of Florida on April 13, 2017. For more details on the talk –

February 2017: Our abstract to the 231st Meeting of the Electrochemical Society got accepted. For more details on the meeting –

January 2017: Julia Orrico (Junior in Biotechnology at UCF) started in the group as a volunteer. Welcome Julia!!


December 2016: Dr. Rajaraman attended the Multifunctional Integrated Systems Technology (MiST) Center meeting in Gainesville, FL. MiST is a NSF funded center promoting industry-university partnerships. The center is a joint venture of between the University of Central Florida and the University of Florida. For more information on the meeting –

November 2016: Tariq Ausaf (Sophomore in Electrical Engineering at UCF) started in the group as a volunteer. Welcome Tariq!!

November 2016: Dr. Rajaraman attended the MEMS and Sensors Executive Congress in Scottsdale, Arizona. For more information on the meeting –

November 2016: Dr. Rajaraman has joint appointments in both the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Material Science & Engineering at the University of Central Florida. As a result, he can directly advice students in both departments.

October – November 2016: Dr. Rajaraman attended the IEEE Sensors 2016 Meeting in Orlando, Florida and presented a poster on Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs). More info on the meeting can be found at

October 2016: Dr. Rajaraman attended the first annual meeting on Neural Engineering at the University of Miami (Miami, FL). He gave an invited talk titled “Development of Micro/NanoElectrode Arrays and their role in Advancing Neuroscience Applications”.

October 2016: Dr. Rajaraman attended an imec meeting on “Nanotechnology Meets Healthcare” at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD.

September 2016: Nilab Azim (B.S. in Chemistry & Biology, University of North Florida), started part-time in the group. Welcome Nilab!!

September 2016: Dr. Rajaraman attended the Sensors Midwest Conference in Chicago, IL (Sept 27-28, 2016) where he gave an invited talk on wearable and stretchable sensors. He additionally participated in an Educational Panel to discuss future of Engineering Education in the US. More info at

August 2016: Lab is established by Dr. Swami Rajaraman on August 8, 2016.