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We are very pleased to announce the success of the NanoScience Technology Center (NSTC) and Advanced Materials Processing and Analysis Center’s (AMPAC) 2011 External Advisory Board meeting. Eight experts in the field of Materials and Nanotechnology were invited to serve on the board this year and provide their input to enhance the quality of the Centers science and technology and help provide direction to determine the critical areas where nanotechnology and materials must meet the needs and concerns of society. Below is a list of the EAB members.

2011 External Advisory Board Members

  • Brij Moudgil – University of Florida
  • Les Kramer – Advance Materials Professional Service
  • Michael Rubner – Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Dennis Hess – Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Richard McCullough – Carnegie Mellon University
  • Vicki Colvin – Rice University
  • Harold Craighead – Cornell University
  • Subhash Mahajan – University of California Davis

The purpose of the meeting was to channel the External Advisory Board’s breadth of experience and expertise to help formulate a continued path for the Centers that embraces interdisciplinary research, encourages innovation and creativity, while training students in both the basics and the nuances of the science and technology. To foster this goal, the EAB members were asked to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the current program and structure, including its diversity, laboratories, physical plant and space. They were also requested to provide their suggestions prior to and during the meeting for recruitment of faculty who may have an interest in joining our Centers.

The meeting was held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, February 25, 2011 at the Student Union Cape Florida Ballroom at the University of Central Florida main campus. The day started with a detailed report presented by the Director of the two Centers regarding their establishment, background, organizational structure, placement within the University, academic and research accomplishments, faculty research interests, funding history, recruitment and graduation rates, promotion and tenure guidelines and achievements, etc. This was followed by poster presentations by graduate students showcasing the research conducted at AMPAC and NSTC in the various faculty groups. Poster presentations were set up for the students to meet and network with the EAB members and discuss their research in an informal setting. This two hour session included a luncheon attended by relevant Departmental Chairs, College Deans, Center Directors, the VP for Research and the Provost. Lunch was followed by a brainstorming session between the EAB members, Provost, VP for Research and Dr. Seal to discuss and resolve major impediments facing the future and advancement of the two centers, their academic programs, research directions and other related issues. After that, the members met for an hour to summarize the day’s event. Finally, the day wrapped up with tours of the various facilities that AMPAC and NSTC have to offer including the MCF, AMF and NSTC shared instrumentation labs.

We were fortunate enough to have the presence of some of the brightest and most respected minds from academia and industry at this meeting. The EAB committee’s experience and expertise was a great addition to our meeting and their feedback is invaluable. Please check our gallery below for photographs of the poster presentation and EAB meeting. Last but not least, kudos to the faculty, staff and students at NSTC and AMPAC who came together and worked hard to make this event a grand success.