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The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is offering financial support to select students to attend the European Ceramic Society Summer School and Biennial Conference in Spain.

ACerS is seeking graduate and undergraduate students from the United States who are interested in attending the Summer School program, which will be held June 17-19, 2015 in Madrid, Spain. The topic of the ACerS-supported program is “Ceramic and Glass Science and Technology, Application to Bioceramics and Bioglasses.”

ACerS will provide partial financial support for the Summer School program as well as the 14th International Conference of the ECerS. The ECerS conference will take place in Toledo, Spain, June 21-25.

At the conference, students will be asked to present research as a talk or poster on one of the following topics:

  • Bioceramics
  • Ceramic Composites
  • Refractories

The application deadline is March 6, 2015. Any student attending a university in the United States is eligible. To apply, students must complete the online application and provide a brief letter of recommendation from a faculty member.

Questions about the opportunity or the program should be directed to Tricia Freshour, Membership Services Manager at ACerS, at or by phone at 614-794-5827.