Ankur Gupta has been awarded the $300 Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Travel Grant to present his research at the 62nd Annual American Vacuum Society International Symposium and Exhibition in San Jose, CA, October 18-23.
Gupta’s research, Gradient Electrochemical Response of Template Synthesized Thickness Sorted MoS2 Nanosheets for Cellular Level Free Radical Detection, will be presented on Friday, October 23 at 10:40 AM. Other researchers include Tamil Selvan, Soumen Das and Sudipta Seal. Ankur Gupta is a part of Dr. Seal’s research group and is a student in the Material Science Engineering program.
The AVS International Symposium and Exhibition addresses cutting edge issues associated with materials, processing and interfaces in both the research and manufacturing communities. The weeklong symposium fosters a multidisciplinary environment that cuts across traditional boundaries between disciplines, featuring papers from the AVS Technical Division, groups, focus topics on emerging technologies and more.
The Earl S. Hoffman Travel Grant was created in an effort to promote student involvement in AVS and encourage their participation in the annual AVS International Symposium. To be eligible, applying graduate students must be an author or co-author of an abstract accepted for presentation at the symposium and must be a full-time graduate student.
For more information about the symposium, navigate to the AVS website.