Ashley Ewh has been awarded a 2012 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Ashley was selected based on her outstanding abilities and accomplishments, as well as her potential to contribute her field. The award is worth $30,000 annually, and fellowships are funded for up to three years.
Ewh is a graduate student in UCF’s Materials Science and Engineering graduate program. Her main area of study is solid state diffusion. She has worked with Professor Yongho Sohn as a research assistant in AMPAC, UCF’s materials research center, for more than four years. She began networking and conducting engineering research in high school.
In 2011, Ashley won the Order of Pegasus award, the highest honor UCF gives to students. During her college career, she has received other awards like the Barry M Goldwater scholarship and the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation award, which was founded by the surviving Mercury Seven astronauts.