Swetha Barkam has received a $1000 travel scholarship from the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) to attend the European Ceramic Society’s (ECerS) Summer School in Limoges, France, June 23 – 25, 2016. The scholarship is an effort to help offset the costs of the program’s attendance.
This year’s summer school program will focus on issues and recent advances in process, microstructure, and properties of electroceramics. Summer school attendees are encouraged to also attend ECerS Electroceramics XV which will also be held in Limoges, France, from June 27 – 29, 2016.
Topics will include:
- Low temperature synthesis, shaping and innovative technologies (3D printing)
- Microstructure‐properties relationships in heterogeneous ceramics
- Functional ceramics: ferroelectric, piezoelectric, multiferroic
- Industrial issues