Jinan Deng has received the 2016-2017 David T. & Jane M. Donaldson Memorial Scholarship, while Samuel Rhodes has received the grand prize for the Florida chapter of the American Vacuum Society poster competition during the 2016 FLAVS/FSM joint symposium. Both Ph.D. students are in Dr. Fang’s group.
The David T. & Jane M. Donaldson Memorial Scholarship awards $5,000 over the course of a year. Applicants must be full or part-time graduate students in engineering or computer science with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher.
The FLAVS/FSM symposium consists of a plenary lecture, technical sessions with invited and contributed presentations, a poster session including a student poster competition and an equipment exhibit for vendors to display surface analytical, vacuum, microscopy, thin film and microelectronic equipment.