Gowan Co. has licensed an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial formula developed by Dr. Santra’s lab, the first agreement of its kind for UCF.
The College of Science News highlighted the achievment, summarized below:
Gowan Co. recently signed an agreement with the University of Central Floridato obtain exclusive rights to the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial formulationdeveloped by researcher Swadeshmukul Santra.
“It’s the forerunner of everything coming from UCF in agriculture.” Santra, anassociate professor with joint appointments in UCF’s NanoScience TechnologyCenter and Department of Chemistry, began working on the formula in 2011.
The Gowan Co. first learned of Santra’s work in 2011 when one of his closecollaborators, Jim Graham of the University of Florida Citrus Research andEducation Center, presented findings from field trials of Santra’s work to Floridagrowers.
The Citrus Research and Development Foundation helped fund some of Santra’s research.