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Research Pavilion, Room 475 (NanoScience Technology Center)


Planar microelectrode arrays represent a unique in vitro tool that can provide insight into the neural dynamics of small neural populations in vitro. These arrays are composed of 60 electrodes embedded into the surface of a culture dish that can detect and stimulate activity in tens to hundreds of neurons simultaneously. Since these arrays are optically transparent they can also be combined with more traditional techniques such as single electrode patch, optical imaging, histology, etc. to provide detailed picture of neural processes. Because of these features this technology is now being used in a variety of different areas beyond neural computation including biosensor applications, drug discovery, and epilepsy research. This talk covers ongoing research in the DeMarse laboratory that applies these arrays to investigate: 1) Functional connectivity and plasticity using Granger Causality, 2) Enhancement, survival, and functional integration of neural stem cells into an existing in vitro cortical population, and 3) Investigations using in vitro and in vivo arrays to study network propagation of epileptic seizures.