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Harris Corporation Engineering Center, Room 101A


Biocompatible nanomaterials are key components of novel approaches to addressing the major problems of disease diagnosis and therapy. We have developed several nanoplatforms that offer potential for significant improvements in multi-modal imaging, targeted delivery of therapeutics, and monitoring of outcomes. Magnetic liposomal nanoplatforms for theranostics combine multiple functionalities including imaging, magnetic guidance to the disease site, delivery of the drug payload through sustained as well as triggered drug release. We have already demonstrated in vivo multimodal imaging using MRI, SPECT and FMT using these nanoplatforms.


Nanoporous coatings have been developed for implants, cardiovascular stents and fiducials used in image guided radio therapy of cancer. The non-erodable coatings show sustained release profiles that are comparable to those from erodible polymer platforms, but without the problems of delamination. Nanoporous coated fiducial markers have been developed with tailored release profiles suitable for radiation treatment. A new doctoral program has also been established incorporating new courses and interdisciplinary research in nanomedicine.