Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. student Shashank Saraf will receive a coveted poster award from MS&T 2011. He presented his poster at the Prof. J. Narayan Acta Materialia Gold Medal Symposium earlier this year.
Speaking and presenting at this event is by invitation only. This particular symposium is also attended by NSF and other funding agency directors. MS&T is one of the field’s biggest events, incorporating research in metals, materials, ceramics, electronics, heat treat, thermal spray, and more. This year the award is sponsored by the Army Research Office.
Kudos to Mr. Saraf, a B-Tech (Hons) from IIT-KGP, India, and the other team members: Mr. A. Kumar, Dr. S. Das, Dr. A. Karakoti, S. Barkam, and Dr. S. Seal.