Yongho Sohn has been named Pegasus Professor for 2016. The annual award includes a $5,000 stipend and a $5,000 research grant along with the title UCF Pegasus Professor and is decided on by the UCF President. The award was presented at the Founder’s Day Convocation on April 6, 2016.
The purpose of the UCF Pegasus Professor Award is to honor and reward highly successful teaching, research and creative activity, and service accomplished by senior members of the university faculty.
To be eligible for a UCF Pegasus Professor Award, an applicant must have completed 5 years at the rank of professor at UCF, must have achieved excellence in teaching, research and/or creative activity, and service of national and international impact, and must demonstrate the scope and value of the national and international impact. Applications included a nomination from the applicant or from a UCF sponsor, a CV, the endorsement of the applicant’s chair or director, as well as the dean or vice president, and letters of support from faculty and staff members, alumni, and/or community colleagues.