Yongho Sohn, Ph.D., has been named an Outstanding Materials Engineer for 2016 by the Purdue University School of Materials Engineering. The award will be presented on April 28 during the school’s student night celebration.
Sohn is one of four winners of the title for 2016. The award recognizes Sohn’s work in fundamental materials properties measurements and microstructural characterization of advanced materials and nuclear-related systems that directly impacts Materials Genome/Computational Materials Engineering database development, as well as developments for materials in thermal barrier and oxidation resistant coatings for advanced gas turbine applications, ternary Heusler alloys and powder-derived metal-matrix and ceramic-metal structural composites.
The title of Outstanding Materials Engineer is conferred to Purdue University alumni by the faculty of the Purdue University School of Materials Engineering, in recognition of excellence in some aspect of the field of Materials Science and Engineering or an affiliated profession as exemplified by leadership and accomplishments.