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Yongho Sohn has been named an American Society for Metals International Fellow for 2015.

Sohn was recognized for “significant contributions to teaching and research in the fundamental understanding of multi-component diffusion kinetics, analysis and control of microstructures, phase transformations, and the application of advanced materials characterization techniques.”

Receiving the status of Fellow represents recognition of distinguished contributions in the field of materials science and engineering, along with developing a broadly based forum for technical and professional leaders to serve as advisors to the Society.

On October 6, Sohn will be conferred this honor at the Convocation of Fellows being held at the ASM Awards Dinner in Columbus, OH. The Awards Dinner will be the highlight of the MS&T 2015 Convention October 5-8. The 2015 Class of Fellows will be showcased on the ASM website and in the September issue of ASM News.

ASM is the world’s largest association of metals-centric materials scientists and engineers with over 30,000 members worldwide. ASM is dedicated to informing, educating and connecting the materials community to solve problems and stimulate innovation around the world.