Swadeshmukul “Swadesh” Santra, Associate Professor in UCF’s Nanoscience Technology Center, Department of Chemistry, and Biomolecular Science Center, is featured in an article from the Orlando Sentinel.
Santra was at a conference on citrus greening when an idea came to him that could save the state’s ailing citrus industry.
That light-bulb moment helped Santra, who works in UCF’s NanoScience Technology Center, invent a zinc-based liquid that is being tested as a treatment for deadly citrus greening.
At stake is Florida’s $10.8 billion citrus industry.
“It’s a 100-year-old disease,” Santra said. “Nobody knows how to cultivate it in a lab, and there’s no cure available to growers yet.”
Read the complete article from the Orlando Sentinel.
Photo by Susan Jacobson, Orlando Sentinel.