The annual 2017 Joint Nanoscience and Neutron Scattering User Meeting was held July 31-August 4 at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
The meeting consisted of plenary lectures, technical sessions with invited presentations, as well as, a poster session including a “Best Poster Competition”. A few of our own UCF-NSTC students were recognized for their outstanding work. Fernand Torres-Davila was an invited speaker on his topic titled, “Exploring the mechanisms of image formation in nanoscale subsurface imaging with acoustic-based atomic force microscopy”. For the poster competition, Mikhael Soliman was awarded First Place for his poster on “Tracking the uptake and translocation of zinc-based treatments designed to combat citrus greening disease,” and Briana Lee was awarded Finalist for her poster on “Nanoscale investigation of biophysicochemical responses to multivalent nanoparticle treatment on Xanthomonas perforans”. Congratulations Fernand, Mikhael, and Briana, keep up the wonderful work!