UCF students won two poster awards at the 225th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Orlando. The competition was highly competitive, and, after several rounds of judging, only 4 awards were presented among 84 posters from presenters around the country and abroad.
The following UCF students and faculty were honored:
1st Place, Solid State
“Room temperature hydrogen detection with the use of engineered nanostructrued tinoxide array”
Rameech McCormack (REU, MAE), Nozomi Shirato, Umesh Singh (Grad, MSE), Soumen Das (NSTC-Postdoc), Amit Kumar (AMPAC-Postdoc), Hyoung J. Cho, Ramki Kalyanaraman, Sudipta Seal
2nd Place, Electrochemistry
“Detection of H2O2 Using Redox Active Nanoparticles Immobilized on Highly Ordered Polymer Nanopillars”
Swetha Barkam (Grad, MSE), Zenan Yu (Grad, MSE), Rameech McCormack (REU, MAE), Shashank Saraf (Grad, MSE), Jayan Thomas, Sudipta Seal
Rameech McCormack, Swetha Barkam, and Shashank Saraf are members of Dr. Sudipta Seal’s research group. Rameech is an undergraduate in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and a participant in the National Science Foundation’s Research Experiences for Undergraduates. Swetha and Shashank are Ph.D. candidates in Materials Science & Engineering
Zenan Yu is a Graduate Research Assistant in Dr. Jayan Thomas’s research group. He is pursuing a degree in Materials Science and Engineering.