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Graduate Programs in Nanotechnology

UCF now offers a graduate program in Nanotechnology.

Master of Science in Nanotechnology

The Master of Science in Nanotechnology program incorporates scientific knowledge and research training in nanoscience and nanotechnology, preparing students for employment in industry and academia in nanotechnology research, product development and commercialization, or to pursue advanced degrees.

M.S. program information


Other Ways to Study NanoScience at UCF

Undergraduate students can enroll in a traditional discipline such as Chemistry, Physics, or Biology.

Graduate students can also pursue a master’s or doctorate in their chosen field, working with a faculty member within the NanoScience Technology Center or with one of our joint or affiliate faculty members in a partnering college on a nano-related project. The degree awarded is that of a traditional discipline, with a focus in NanoScience technology.

UCF has several academic departments that offer degrees with nano-related courses.

These departments and courses can be found by following the links below.

Internship Opportunities

The following list contains internship opportunities related to our Graduate Programs

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

The NanoScience Technology Center supports a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) with a program in which offers student research experiences that cover a range of topics in nanoscale science and engineering across a range of disciplines. For more information click here.

NSF REU Summer Program info

NSTC Student Travel Award

To facilitate students’ career development, NSTC grants NSTC Student Travel Award (up to $600 per student) to support students to attend national conferences. MS students after successfully completing one year of study and Ph.D. students after completing two years of study are encouraged to apply if they have an abstract (the student being the first author) of a talk/poster been accepted by a national conference. Please submit this application to Dr. Lei Zhai.

Student Perspectives and Experience

“It’s a quiet day on the fourth floor of the Research Pavilion building in UCF’s Research Park… or so it seems. At second glance, the halls are abuzz with professors and students dressed alike in lab coats…”

From Nanotechnology: A Small Program With A Big Impact, Lauren Weathington

My name is Sheba. I came to UCF for summer of 2008 for REU and worked in Treen’s (Dr. Qun Huo) lab on gold nanoparticles. I met you a couple of times that summer. I met Ajay Karakoti at the ACS meeting last week. It was great to see Ajay and see that he is doing well. He gave me some good advice/suggestions about grad school. When I met him, I realized that I never updated you on how REU was pivotal to my life.

I am now a chemistry graduate student in Dr. Roger Leblanc’s lab in University of Miami. Dr. Leblanc was also Treen’s professor when she was in grad school. My area is surface chemistry and I mainly work with Langmuir monolayers. I look at protein/amyloid conformations at air-water interface. I also work with quantum dots/nanoparticles (CdSe/Zns, CdS, Au, Ag…) and how their conjugation to protein increases/decreases protein fiber formation. I am now working on a project where I am synthesizing quantum dots and nanoparticles by using proteins as a reducing agent.

Prior to REU, I never experienced a working environment in a lab. REU gave me chance to see how a lab works and being at UCF for that summer played a huge role in the decision to go to graduate school. So, thank you Dr. Seal for giving me the chance to be a part of REU.”

REU Student Testimonial