September 5, 2014
National Medal of Science recipient Mostafa A. El-Sayed, whose nanotechnology research has led to new ways of treating cancer, will speak at UCF on Friday, Sept. 5, about his current projects. El-Sayed, director of Georgia Tech’s Laser Dynamics Laboratory, will speak at 3 p.m. at CREOL Room 102 about “Nanotechnology Meets Biology in the Cancer…
August 28, 2014
The UCF Material Advantage and MRS organizations ran a membership drive at the Engineering Building on August 26. Material Advantage and MRS are two engineering-based clubs at UCF comprised of graduate and undergraduate students from different departments. The members come together to promote the understanding and application of Material Science and Engineering in research, design,…
June 3, 2014
Two University of Central Florida scientists have earned national awards because their inventions are expected to make a difference in fueling future commercial spacecraft and in the efficiency of solar panels needed to convert sunlight into electricity. TechConnect World has selected engineering professors Sudipta Seal and Neelkanth G. Dhere for 2014 TechConnect National Innovation Awards.…
May 30, 2014
UCF researchers including professors Romain Gaume and Yongho Sohn are working on projects funded by grants from the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program. The University of Central Florida earned five research grants this week worth nearly $2 million from DURIP, placing UCF among the top three university award recipients in the nation. Awards totaling $39.9…
May 23, 2014
Graduate students Le Zhou and Shashank Saraf have been awarded UCF’s Graduate Research Excellence Fellowship. The UCF College of Graduate Studies presents the fellowship annually to outstanding graduate students who have excellent research backgrounds and proposals for the thesis or dissertation phase of their graduate degree programs. The fellowship is a supplement to the students’…
May 19, 2014
UCF students won two poster awards at the 225th Electrochemical Society Meeting in Orlando. The competition was highly competitive, and, after several rounds of judging, only 4 awards were presented among 84 posters from presenters around the country and abroad. The following UCF students and faculty were honored: 1st Place, Solid State “Room temperature hydrogen…
April 30, 2014
Ph.D. candidate Swetha Barkam is a winner of the 2013-2014 SGA Campus Student Involvement Scholarship. The $250 award is presented to outstanding students who demonstrate exceptional involvement in the UCF community. Swetha is a member of Dr. Sudipta Seal’s research group. Her research focus includes interaction and application of nanoparticles in biology. Swetha previously won…
April 1, 2014
People have dreamed about the possibility of invisibility for centuries. It’s the subject of countless books and Hollywood movies, but is the real thing really possible? Researchers at the University of Central Florida may be on the cusp of creating a type of invisibility. FOX 35’s Tom Johnson takes you inside Dr. Debashis Chanda’s Nano-Optics…
March 31, 2014
Controlling and bending light around an object so it appears invisible to the naked eye is the theory behind fictional invisibility cloaks. It may seem easy in Hollywood movies, but is hard to create in real life because no material in nature has the properties necessary to bend light in such a way. Scientists have…
March 31, 2014
The new nanotechnology master’s degree offered by the University of Central Florida will have a “huge economic impact” on Central Florida, said Sudipta Seal, the director of the Nanoscience Technology Center and the Advanced Materials Processing & Analysis Center at UCF. UCF’s board of trustees on March 27 approved a new nanocscience technology master’s degree…