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New UCF Optical Sensor Can Determine if Molecules are Left or Right ‘Handed’

June 13, 2018

A University of Central Florida team has designed a nanostructured optical sensor that for the first time can efficiently detect molecular chirality – a property of molecular spatial twist that defines its biochemical properties. Determining chirality is critical for new drug development. Think of molecules as having little hands. They are not identical, but they…

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Juan “Rachel” He Poster Winner at 2018 DOE SSL R&D Workshop

April 6, 2018

Graduate student Juan (Rachel) He won the 2018 Student Poster Competition at the 15th annual DOE SSL R&D Workshop, held January 29-31 in Nashville, Tennessee. The heart of these workshops is a poster session, where project investigators from all DOE-funded R&D projects share updates on their work.Now in its third year, the student poster competition…

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High School Student working at NSTC is selected for International Science Fair

February 2, 2018

Laboni Santra, an Oviedo High School student working with Professor Rajaraman won multiple awards at the Seminole County Science, Math and Engineering Fair held on February 3, 2018. Laboni’s project entitled “Microneedle Assisted Delivery of Model Therapeutic in Plant Tissue” won the first prize in the Plant Sciences category of the fair and was recognized…

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Daniel Franklin Awarded Order of Pegasus

February 1, 2018

Daniel Franklin has been selected for induction into the Order of Pegasus, Class of 2018. He was recognized at the Order of Pegasus award ceremony on April 2, 2018. The Order of Pegasus is the University of Central Florida’s most prestigious student award. Student recipients are recognized for their academic success, university involvement, leadership qualities…

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A Breakthrough in Graphene Research May lead to Next-Generation Tech

January 30, 2018

A finding that enables graphene to better absorb light could be the key manufacturers have been waiting for to utilize the super-strong, superlight material in next-generation devices including light detectors, touchscreens, glucose testing meters and even water filtration systems. For the first time, the UCF team demonstrated more than 45 percent absorption of light in…

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Dong Wins IDW ’17 Best Paper Award

January 1, 2018

Prof. Yajie Dong was invited to present at the 24th International Display Workshops (IDW’17) at Sendai, Japan and his presentation titled “Luminescent Perovskite-Polymer Composite Films for Display” was selected to win the IDW ’17 Best Paper Award. The IDW is known for encouraging aggressive research and development of display technologies throughout the world and especially…

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NSTC Students Awarded Dissertation Completion Fellowship

December 17, 2017

NSTC students Mikhael Soliman and Abraham Vázquez-Guardado were each awarded the UCF Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Completion Fellowship for spring 2018. The fellowship includes a stipend of $10,000, tuition coverage, and paid individual health insurance. The fellowship was awarded to 13 students university-wide. Mikhael is a Ph.D. student in Dr. Laurene Tetard’s group. He is also…

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New Test for Zika on Course for Commercialization

November 30, 2017

A new diagnostic test that can detect a Zika viral infection within 30 minutes could be headed to hospitals in the next year thanks to a partnership between the University of Central Florida and Orlando-based biotechnology startup Nano Discovery Inc. Qun Treen Huo, a faculty member at UCF’s Department of Chemistry and NanoScience Technology Center,…

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UCF Honors Santra as Luminary Leader for Changing the World

Swadeshmukul Santra is among 45 faculty members recognized by UCF Wednesday during the university’s inaugural Luminary Award presentations for making an impact on the world. The event, themed like Oscar night, honored those who are academic leaders in their field and are making contributions to the world that are having a significant impact. Swadeshmukul Santra,…

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Researcher’s Nanomaterial Can Extract Hydrogen Fuel from Seawater

October 4, 2017

t’s possible to produce hydrogen to power fuel cells by extracting the gas from seawater, but the electricity required to do it makes the process costly. UCF researcher Yang Yang has come up with a new hybrid nanomaterial that harnesses solar energy and uses it to generate hydrogen from seawater more cheaply and efficiently than…

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