May 24, 2016
Swetha Barkam, MSE PhD student, was selected on the ASM Board of Trustees as a student member. Student members receive all expenses paid to attend 4 board meetings where they will gain leadership skills that will benefit them throughout their career, add a unique and highly respected experience to their resume/cv, represent Material Advantage and…
May 13, 2016
Sudipta Seal’s research on “Controlling the surface chemistry of cerium oxide nanoparticles for biological applications” was featured the cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry B, issue 29, 2016.
May 12, 2016
A mini-symposium exploring collaboration opportunities between UCF and Mayo-Jacksonville will be held on Friday, May 13, 2016. Topics and speakers were selected by Mayo, and the symposium is an outgrowth of collaborations between Mayo scientists and UCF Professor Sudipta Seal, Director of NSTC, AMPAC, and Interim Chair of Material Sciences and Engineering. We hope that…
May 11, 2016
The thought that solar and electric vehicles (EVs) would ever be viable, prominent energy alternatives was a revolutionary idea a few years ago. Now, EVs are becoming more affordable and efficiency levels are consistently on the rise, opening the door to a renewable energy future. “People will say there’s hardly any solar around, and they’ll…
May 10, 2016
Ankur Gupta has been awarded the SGA Graduate Student Research Scholarship for 2015-16. The scholarship is awarded to graduate students who are presenting research at a conference and provides $500 in assistance.
April 21, 2016
Dr. Lei Zhai and Dr. Kevin Coffey received UCF Teaching Incentive Program Awards for 2015-2016. The TIP award rewards sustained high levels of teaching effectiveness. Eligible faculty must have been employed by UCF for at least four (4) years and meet or exceed median student credit hour (SCH) production. The award provides a $5,000 base…
April 7, 2016
Three students from the NSTC, MSE, and AMPAC won first place at the 2016 Graduate Research Forum. Danielle Estes, NSTC: First Place, Health Sciences Category Rocky Brighton, NSTC/AMPAC: First Place, Health Sciences Category Craig Neal, MSE: First Place: Engineering, Computer Science, Simulation, Modeling, Optics, Math, & Physical Sciences Categories
April 4, 2016
Swadeshmukul Santra and his team were awarded a $477,000 grant by the U.S. Department of Agriculture as part of a $5.2 million investment in nanotechnology research at 11 universities. The grant was awarded to develop a method of combatting a bacterium that attacks tomatoes and other crops.
April 4, 2016
Swetha Barkam has received a $1000 travel scholarship from the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) to attend the European Ceramic Society’s (ECerS) Summer School in Limoges, France, June 23 – 25, 2016. The scholarship is an effort to help offset the costs of the program’s attendance. This year’s summer school program will focus on issues and…
March 30, 2016
Swetha Barkam has been recognized as an outstanding student leader for Women’s History Month, representing March 28th, by the Lead Scholars Academy. Barkam was featured along with an interview with questions about her involvement, goals, advice for students, and favorite UCF traditions.