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UCF Students Honored at FLAVS/FSM Symposium

March 18, 2012
Four of Saiful Khondaker’s students won awards at the 2012 AVS Florida chapter meeting: Udai Bhanu received a grand award in the Computational and Experimental Material Science category Edwards Jiminez (undergrad, Electrical Engineering) received a grand award in the Materials Characterization category Biddut Sarker received second prize Feras Alzubi received honorable mention The event was…

David Letter Wins Poster Award at TMS Annual Meeting

March 15, 2012
David Letter won the 1st place poster award at the TMS Annual Meeting in the Undergraduate category of the Biological Materials technical division. He will receive a $500 prize. His poster, entitled “Kinetics of Phosphate Ion Cerium Oxide Nanoparticle Interaction and Effect on Redox Activity of Bare and Functionalized Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles,” was one of…

Sudipta Seal Wins UCF’s Highest Faculty Honor

March 7, 2012
Dr. Sudipta Seal has been selected to receive the Pegasus Professor award, the highest honor given by the University of Central Florida to faculty who have made a significant impact on the university. Dr. Seal is the director of UCF’s NanoScience Technology Center and Advanced Materials Processing & Analysis Center as well as Nano Initiative…

Coffey Elected to Faculty Senate

March 2, 2012
Kevin R. Coffey has been elected to represent the College of Engineering and Computer Science in the UCF Faculty Senate. He was selected by his faculty peers within the college. Coffey is a Professor in UCF’s Department of Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering (MMAE) as well as the Advanced Materials Processing and Analysis Center (AMPAC).

Zhao Wang wins Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award

February 23, 2012
Zhao Wang is the winner of the 2011-2012 University Award for the Outstanding Master’s Thesis. Wang is a Ph.D. student with Dr. Aman Behal’s research group. His thesis is titled, “Lyapunov-Based Control Design for Uncertain MIMO Systems.” Wang’s thesis was selected by the University of Central Florida Graduate Council from a group of finalists. This…

Qun Huo named finalist for Cade Museum Prize

February 20, 2012
Qun Huo has been named one of sixteen finalists for the 2012 Cade Museum Prize. Open to all Florida residents, the Cade Museum Prize is designed to encourage innovation and invention by providing an incentive for early-stage companies to move ideas and products closer to marketplace viability. Huo’s entry is titled “Nanoparticle-Enabled Bioanalytical Technology.” She…

A First: Brain Support Cells from Umbilical Cord Stem Cells

February 9, 2012
For the first time ever, stem cells from umbilical cords have been converted into other types of cells, which may eventually lead to new treatment options for spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, among other nervous system diseases. “This is the first time this has been done with non-embryonic stem cells,” says James Hickman, a…

Florida High Tech Corridor honors Qun Huo

February 3, 2012
Qun Huo has been recognized by the Florida High Tech Corridor Council as part of its “Faces of Technology.” She is featured in the Faces of Technology video library, and she will also appear in florida.HIGH.TECH 2012, the Corridor’s annual magazine. To see Qun’s video interview, visit Huo is the founder and president of…

Shashank Saraf wins MS&T poster award

January 31, 2012
Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D. student Shashank Saraf will receive a coveted poster award from MS&T 2011. He presented his poster at the Prof. J. Narayan Acta Materialia Gold Medal Symposium earlier this year. Speaking and presenting at this event is by invitation only. This particular symposium is also attended by NSF and other funding…

Amit Kumar wins Materials Research Society poster award

January 28, 2012
Amit Kumar won an award for Best Poster at the 2011 Materials Research Society Fall Meeting. His poster, entitled “Effect of radiation on Ceria NP surfaces (A NSF funded project),” was presented on Thursday, December 1, 2011. The MRS conference is very prestigious, and Amit’s poster was deemed to be one of the top two…