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Swetha Barkam Recieves Graduate Student Award from Materials Research Society

May 1, 2017
Swetha Barkam has been awarded the Graduate Student Silver Award by the Materials Research Society. Barkam is one of just 27 graduate students selected from among the top universities to recieve this award. Barkam recieved her award and was commended for her presentation at the Awards Ceremony and Innovation in Materials Characterization Award Talk on…

News Coverage of UCF and NASA Study

March 7, 2017
News station WFTV featured coverage of Dr. Sudipta Seal and Kevin Grossman, detailing the research efforts aimed toward using Martian soil to eventually build human habitats on Mars.</p The research is the result of a NASA grant Watch the video here

UCF and NASA Study Using Martian Soil to Build Human Habitats

February 17, 2017
It’s hard enough to transport humans to Mars. But once they get there, where will they live? A University of Central Florida professor is working with NASA to figure out a way to extract metals from the Martian soil – metals that could be fed into a 3-D printer to produce the components of a…

New, Old Science Combine to Make Faster Medical Test

January 20, 2017
A UCF researcher has combined cutting-edge nanoscience with a magnetic phenomenon discovered more than 170 years ago to create a method for speedy medical tests. The discovery, if commercialized, could lead to faster test results for HIV, Lyme disease, syphilis, rotavirus and other infectious conditions. Putnam’s team coated nanoparticles with the antibody to BSA, or…

Dr. Soumen Das and Dr. Sudipta Seal’s Research featured on Chemistry of Materials cover

November 30, 2016
An article in collaboration with Dr. Soumen Das and Dr. Sudipta Seal has been featured on the cover of ACS Chemistry of Materials Journal. The article, titled “Structure–Activity Map of Ceria” deals with heterogeneous reactions, such as automotive catalysis and water gas shift reactions. You can view the cover here and see the full article…

Swetha Barkam Awarded 1st Place Sapphire Award, GEMS

November 3, 2016
Swetha Barkam selected for a Graduate Excellence in Materials Science (GEMS) Award for 2016. Specifically, Barkam was awarded 4th place overall, and 1st within the Sapphire Ranking division. Congratulations Swetha!

Dr. Chanda and Daniel Franklin selected for Top-10 Displaying Futures Award

September 19, 2016
Dr. Debashis Chanda and Daniel Franklin have been selected for a Top-10 novel display innovation, Displaying Futures Award 2016. They has been invited to Germany for a three day event where their idea, “Skin-like plasmonic Full-Color Displays” will be recognized. Congratulations Dr. Chanda and Daniel Franklin!

Swetha Barkam to be awarded Artistic Creativity award

September 19, 2016
Swetha Barkam, a PhD student in Dr. Seal’s research group will be awarded the Artistic Creativity award for the 1st Annual ACerS PCSA Creativity Competition at MS&T Congratulations Swetha!