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Collaborative Paper Published in Advanced Materials

January 25, 2017

A paper from the groups of Dr. Yajie Dong, Dr. Shin-Tson Wu and Dr. Andre J. Gesquiere, titled “Ultrastable, Highly Luminescent Organic-Inorganic Perovskite – Polymer Composite Films”, has been published by Advanced Materials.

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Beatriz Jimenez Selected for SURF Research Scholarship at UF

Beatriz Jimenez, an EE undergraduate student from Dr. Chanda’s group working on IR spectroscopy was selected for the SURF Program, a summer research scholarship The SURF program entails an 8 – 10 week Summer Undergraduate Researchexperience at the University of Florida. Prospective Ph.D. students for the University of Florida for the fall 2018 termwill be…

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Dr. Santra’s Group Formula Licensed, First Time for UCF/Agriculture Industry

Gowan Co. has licensed an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial formula developed by Dr. Santra’s lab, the first agreement of its kind for UCF. The College of Science News highlighted the achievment, summarized below: Gowan Co. recently signed an agreement with the University of Central Floridato obtain exclusive rights to the anti-fungal and anti-bacterial formulationdeveloped by researcher…

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New, Old Science Combine to Make Faster Medical Test

January 20, 2017

A UCF researcher has combined cutting-edge nanoscience with a magnetic phenomenon discovered more than 170 years ago to create a method for speedy medical tests. The discovery, if commercialized, could lead to faster test results for HIV, Lyme disease, syphilis, rotavirus and other infectious conditions. Putnam’s team coated nanoparticles with the antibody to BSA, or…

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Dr. Jung’s Research Featured on ACS Nano Cover

January 9, 2017

Dr. Eric Jung’s work has been featured on the cover of ACS Nano. The cover article features additional coverage of Dr. Jung’s Core/Shell Nanowire Supercapacitor research. More specifically, the article details a new type of “one-body” supercapacitors has been developed by chemically converting flexible tungsten foils to one-dimensional (1D) nanowires with conformal two-dimensional (2D) tungsten…

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Tyler Maxwell Named Outstanding Graduate Student by ACS

December 21, 2016

Tyler Maxwell, a Ph.D. student in Associate Professor Swadeshmukul Santra’s lab in the Chemsitry Department at UCF, has been named Outstanding Graduate Student by the Orlando section of the American Chemical Society (ACS).Maxwell was nominated by Associate Professor and collaborator Andre Gesquiere for his educational outreach and in applying discoveries in the lab to start…

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Four Dissertation Completion Fellowships Awarded to CECS Students in Spring 2017

December 12, 2016

Jinan Deng, Don Nadun Kuruppumullage, Alireza Hajibagheri, and Ming Miao have been selected for the Dissertation Completion Fellowship, a $10,000 award plus tuition support. These four students were nominated by Dr. Jiyu Fang, Dr. Olusegun J. Ilegbusi, Dr. Gita Sukthankar, and Dr. Juin J. Liou, respectively. Jinan Deng, a student in the Materials Science and…

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