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Yi Ding Wins Austin L. Grogan Memorial Scholarship

March 18, 2015

Yi Ding has been awarded the $500 Austin L. Grogan Memorial Scholarship for the 2015-2016 academic year. The scholarship recognizes graduate students of the Engineering Department with a Materials Science and Engineering major who have demonstrated an excellent academic standing and who have participated in appropriate scholarly activities. Yi Ding is an MSE Ph.D. candidate…

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Jayan Thomas, et al. Featured On Energy & Environmental Science Cover

An article authored by Jayan Thomas, Laurene Tetard, Zenan Yu, and Lei Zhai and is featured on the cover of Energy & Environmental Science . The aricle, “Supercapacitor electrode materials: nanostructures from 0 to 3 dimensions” highlights the effect of nanostructures on the properties of supercapacitors including specific capacitance, rate capability and cycle stability, which…

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Chanda To Lead Optical Metamaterials Workshop

March 17, 2015

Debashis Chanda will lead a 90-minute workshop on “Functional Optical Metamaterials” at CREOL’s Industrial Affiliates Symposium. The workshop will be held Thursday, March 12, 9-10:30 a.m., in the CREOL Building, Room 102. Dr. Chanda leads the Nano-Optics Group at UCF and has a joint appointment in the NanoScience Technology Center and College of Optics &…

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Masahiro Ishigami Selected As UCF Reach For The Stars Award Recipient

March 13, 2015

Masahiro Ishigami has been selected as a UCF Reach for the Stars Award recipient for 2015 and will be honored at the upcoming Founder’s Day celebration on Wednesday, April 1 at 12:00 p.m. This is the second year the Reach for the Stars Awards have been presented. As one of eight recipients, Ishigami will receive…

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NanoFest Florida 2015

March 5, 2015

Last month, UCF hosted NanoFest Florida 2015 featuring posters, discussions and activities promoting awareness of the emerging nanotechnology field. The festival showcased the latest nanotechnology-enabled consumer products to demonstrate how new technology can have a positive impact on the environment and individual lives. These items are already available in the market and for use in…

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Chanda’s Article Selected for Best of Advanced Optical Materials

An article co-authored by Dr. Debashis Chanda has been selected as one of the top 10 articles in Advanced Optical Materials and is included in the 2014 edition of Best of Advanced Optical Materials. The article, “Materials Selections and Growth Conditions for Large-Area, Multilayered, Visible Negative Index Metamaterials Formed by Nanotransfer Printing” showcases the first…

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Santra Wins UCF Excellence in Research Award

February 18, 2015

Swadeshmukul Santra is a winner of the University of Central Florida’s 2015 Excellence in Research award. Excellence in Research awards are given to each college at UCF. However, only one winner is selected to represent the combined research staff in UCF’s institutes and centers. Dr. Santra will be honored during UCF’s annual Founders’ Day ceremony…

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ACerS Offers Scholarships for Summer Programs in Spain

February 12, 2015

The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) is offering financial support to select students to attend the European Ceramic Society Summer School and Biennial Conference in Spain. ACerS is seeking graduate and undergraduate students from the United States who are interested in attending the Summer School program, which will be held June 17-19, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.…

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Chanda Invited to Scientific Reports Editorial Board

February 6, 2015

Debashis Chanda has been invited to serve on the editorial board of Scientific Reports, a journal from the publishers of Nature. Scientific Reports launched in 2011 as a multidisciplinary, online-only, open access publication covering all areas of the natural sciences. Editorial board members are recruited for an initial 2-year term to assess manuscripts, manage peer…

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Huo’s Research Featured on ACS Cover

January 27, 2015

An article co-authored by Qun “Treen” Huo is featured on the cover of ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. The article, entitled “Different Interaction Modes of Biomolecules with Citrate-Capped Gold Nanoparticles,” contains analysis that could lead to new biomarker discovery with diagnostic applications. Huo holds joint Appointments in the NanoScience Technology Center and Department of Chemistry…

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